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Home Safe Spotlight: Workplace Injuries

Home Safe Spotlight: Workplace Injuries

The National Safety Council publication “Workplace Injuries by the Numbers” reports that a worker is injured on the job every 7 seconds with the most common types being sprains and strains and the most common lost time injury being overexertion (33% of all injuries)....
Home Safe Spotlight: Hand Safety

Home Safe Spotlight: Hand Safety

Did you know that your hands and fingers are the body parts most frequently injured at work? According to the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, nearly 2/3 of those injuries were lacerations that could have been prevented by using the correct gloves. To...

Turner Joins Safety Department

Joining the team as a Corporate Safety Representative, Justin Turner will be supporting Central Virginia Projects. He will work to ensure that the BranchSAFE principles of Leadership, Accountability, Education and Prevention are a primary focus. Justin is joining the...